Today’s Quote For Saturday April 9th, 2011

One of my favorite ways to spend a day off with my wife. Cigar, Coffee, and of course cheesecake. This is a strawberry cheesecake tort that they make at Kogo’s Wine Bar in Prague. Not New York Style but quite delicious just the same.

This entry was posted in Alcohol, Baked Goods, Coffee, Cooking, Cuisine, Dessert, Eating, Food, Oscar Wilde, Quotes. Bookmark the permalink.

6 Responses to Today’s Quote For Saturday April 9th, 2011

  1. Very similar to the one I made! However, I would LOVE mine to be a cheesecake, rather than just a plan old torte! Looks divine! 🙂

  2. Bethea says:

    I want that cheesecake.

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